On the last Friday of 2019... and my birthday... my wish is to express a huge slice of holiday gratitude to all our partners, colleagues, affiliates, supporters and underwriters.
2. Our VIP partners like KPMG, James B at USC Marshall, LA County Supervisor Janice Hahn, Amazon Web Services AWS, Google Startups, the International Education team at Cal State Dominguez Hills, the law offices of Louis Esbin and Fox Rothschild LLP.
3. Our regular industry gathering of Accelerator, Academia & Public Sector program leaders including LACI, Make in LA, Stubbs Alderton's Precellerator, Cross-border Labs, PledgeLA, the SoCal Alliance for Innovation, Incubate USC & the Blackstone Launchpad, Pepperdine's Peate Institute for Entrepreneurship and other program leaders, graciously hosted by Fox Rothschild LLP.
And congratulations to our 2019 portfolio of founders chasing their dreams of global operations. From Pasadena based WanaFam's acquisition of a London competitor, to LA based iPill's purchase offers in the tens of millions to Australian based BBQ in the Park for its US market entry via LA, it's an honor to help accelerate everyone we interact with.
IBA @ Innovate Pasadena: Six Critical Steps to Global Growth & Profits
Here's to a great and global 2020!